Sunday, March 22, 2020




गायिका कुनिका कपूर की गैरजिम्मेदार हरकत के बाद आंध्र प्रदेश के गुंटूर जिल्लेके गुंटूर पाश्चिम के विधायक मद्दली गिरिधर राव ने आज सुबह अपना जन्मदिन हजारो लोगों को इकठ्ठा कर मनाया.

जहाँ एक तरफ पूरी दुनिया में कोरोना वाइरस ने हडकंप मचा रखा है, और भारत सर्कार समेत दुनियाभर की सरकारे इससे निपटने के लिए जी जान से लगी है, वहीं कुछ ऐसे गैरजिम्मेदार लोग है जो इस खतरनाक बीमारी को फ़ैलाने में लगे है.
अभी मशहूर गायिका कुनिका कपूर की गैरजिम्मेदार हरकत लोगों के जेहन में ताजा है, तभी ऐसा ही एक मामला आंध्र प्रदेश के गुंटूर से सामने आया है. यहाँ तो गुंटूर पाश्चिम के विधायक मद्दली गिरिधर राव ने शनिवार २१ मार्च २०२० को सुबह अपना जन्मदिन हजारो लोगों को इकठ्ठा कर मनाया. जिसमें इलाके के कई मान्यवर लोग उपस्थित थे. इस कार्यक्रम ने प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा दिए गए सामाजिक अंतर रखने के संदेश की धज्जीयां उड़ा दी है. यह कार्यक्रम ऐसे समय में आयोजित किया गया जब देश कोरोना के दुसरे चरण से तीसरे और सबसे खतरनाक चरण की ओर बढ़ रहा है, जिसे रोकने के लिए केंद्र सरकार और सारी राज्य सरकारें जी जान से लगी हुई है. सबसे अहम बात यह है, के गिरधर राव के इस गैरजिम्मेदाराना कदम से गुंटूर में कोरोना फैलने की पूरी संभावना बन चुकी है, जहाँ आज तक एक भी मामला दर्ज नहीं था. गिरधर राव से जब इस बारे में पूछा गया तब पहले तो उन्होंने इस कार्यक्रम से इंकार किया लेकिन जल्द ही मान लिया के कार्यक्रम में कम से कम 1500 लोग शामिल हुए थे. इस कार्यक्रम के दौरान सर्वधर्म प्रार्थना का आयोजन हुआ और उपस्थित लोगों में केक भी बांटा गया.
सबसे चिंताजनक बात यह है के जिले के मेडिकल तथा स्वास्थ्य अधिकारी को इस कार्यक्रम की कोई भी जानकारी नहीं थी. जब यह बात उनके संज्ञान में लायी गयी, तब उन्होंने इस कार्यक्रम में शरीक हुए हर एक व्यक्ति की स्क्रीनिंग करने का निर्णय लिया है. जिला मेडिकल तथा स्वास्थ्य कार्यालय के अधिकारी ने पहचान उजागर न करने की शर्त पर बताया, “यह बहोत ही चिंताजनक बात है. कोरोना महामारी के चलते, हमने लोगों से इस तरह के कार्यक्रम, यहाँ तक के शादीयाँ मुल्तवी कनरे कि अपील कि है. और ऐसे में इस कार्यक्रम ने हमारी मुश्किलें बढ़ा दी है.अब यह देखना दिलचस्प होगा के प्रशासन विधायक मद्दली गिरधर राव पर क्या करवाई करता है.
इस कार्यक्रम में नल्लम मल्लिकार्जुन राव, चेनमसेट्टी रामू, बंडारू किशोर, शेख बाबू, लिंगाला मारिया बाबू, शेख खादर भाषा मदसु किरण, बोडपति किशोर, पेसला सुरेश, पी। रवि, शांति राजू और लोकेश ने भाग लिया।

Saturday, March 21, 2020

My Dear Media Friends,

While interviewing a person we use “MIC” and hold it in front of the subject.

But today we don’t know who has been; knowingly or unknowingly, contacted with Corona Virus. Therefore we are at risk of contracting it ourselves. Also other subjects who speak on the same “MIC” also are at threat as the Virus may land on “MIC” and your hand during the interview and afflict upon those handling the same unsanitised “MIC”. You can also be at grave risk along with your family, friends and colleagues.

So either sanitise the “MIC” or discontinue its use. Also make sure to use a mask & hand gloves during interviews. Ensure safety of yourself and others.

Any camera can capture voice from 3 meter distance.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Against Corona Virus Why Janta Curfew for only One Day?

At least 5,7,10 days, more or less as needed, of curfew should have been imposed excluding daily essentials & emergency services. Only this could have contained further spread of the COVID- 19 Virus. 

The standstill would have hit the Indian economy but it would have helped identify virus positive people and with treatment led them to recovery within those very curfew days itself.

Thereafter we would have struggled purely to raise the failing economy. But the lack of central governments vision and pro-activeness is pitiable. Moreover the PM address to the Nation had nothing much in terms of heartening or pacifying content but was aimed more at making at event of a pandemic for one Sunday, 22nd March.

Compared to the central government the state government of Maharashtra is responsibly acting and foresighted at initiating measures to secure the state from COVID-19.

I again call upon the PM to come up with some concrete, assuring & visionary measures to tackle the global pandemic in India. And further request him to refrain from indulging in news maker remarks at the cost of the global pandemic and rather concentrate on doing what a leader is supposed to do, Take Charge. Extend the Curfew.

After the PM addressed the Nation yesterday night it seems the finance minister has setup a panel to analyze the repercussions of the Pandemic and measures to control further damage, Health wise and economical. Which means the PM merely addressed the Nation without having any proper mechanism in place or without any consultation with the concerned Government Departments. It is only after PM address that the concerned departments have woken from their slumber and now are trying to put together something to show. Pitiful.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

1BHK for Sale at Mulund West, Mumbai

મુલુન્ડ (વેસ્ટ) વેચાણથી 
ફૂલી ફર્નિશ રેડી પઝેશન 
1 BHK, હાયર ફ્લોર, લિફ્ટ છે, એટેચ બાથરૂમ, ૪૬૦ ચોરસફૂટ કાર્પેટ,  અંબાજીધામ મંદિર પાસે, 
સ્ટેશનથી વોકેબલ ડિસ્ટન્સ,
સંપર્ક ઓનર : +9192224222 67 
(બ્રોકર - દલાલ આવકાર્ય)

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Raid on Rationing shop

रेशन दुकानावर धाड. अवैध धन्यसाठा जप्त

मुंबई, 9 डिसेंबर 2019:

सरकारमान्य स्वस्त धन्य दुकानात चालत असलेला काळाबाजार आज पुन्हा एकदा उघड झाला. मुलुंड पश्चिमेकडील वैशाली नगर येथे सार्वजनिक वितरण विभागाच्या अधिकार्‍यांनी स्वस्त धन्य दुकानात धड घालून 35 क्विंटल तांदळाचा अवैध साठा जप्त केला.
प्राप्त माहिती नुसार, बालराजेश्वर नगर, वैशाली नगर, मुलुंड पश्चिम येथे स्वस्त धन्य दुकान क्रमांक 29 ते 35 येथे अवैध कारभार सुरू असल्याची तक्रार विभागास प्राप्त झाली होती. त्यानुसार विशेष पथकाने आज धड घालून 35 क्विंटल तांदळाचा अवैध साठा जप्त केला. ह्या दुकानाचा परवाना प्रभावती मारू यांच्या नवे असून, शीतल पलांडे हे दुकान चालवत होत्या. ह्या प्रकरणी तपास सुरू असून, तो पूर्ण झाल्यावर  पुढील कारवाई करण्यात येईल.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Mysterious Sucide of Vaibhav shetty

Mysterious Sucide of Vaibhav shetty body found hanging in a lodge at Andheri, he  was the Owner of six hotels in mumbai along with Vaibhav Hotel, N S Road, Mulund West opp Mulund Police Station and resident at Mulund Willows tower, swapna nagari. Vaibhav was married and had child of 3 months.

Case registered at Andheri police station and body is taken to Koopar hospital. Further investigation in process.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Monday, October 14, 2019


 The Congress NCP alliance candidate from Mulund Assembly Govind Singh conducted a visit to Residential Socities LBS road Veena Nagar, Cypress, Swapna Nagari. The visit was organised by Govind Singh Fan Club. People belonging from various segments and age grouo of society excelling in their respective fields have formed the Fan Club and are campaigning insistently but silently for Govind Singh. The outreach efforts made by Govind Singh is being recieved warmly by people in general since he popularly perceived to be a non political person in political party but away from all its pettyness. The  people connect rally conducted by GSFC was well organised without any chaos which was a welcome surprise expressed citizens of cypress and swapna nagari.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

प्रसिद्धीसाठी मजकूर

पवई पोलीस ठाणेच्या हद्दीत पवई तलाव येथे गणपती विसर्जन करण्यासाठी येणाऱ्या सर्व सार्वजनिक गणेशोत्सव मंडळांना पवई पोलीस ठाणे कडून आवाहन  करण्यात येते कि, चालू वर्षी मुंबई मेट्रोचे काम जोगेश्वरी विक्रोळी लिंक रोडवर चालू असल्याने रहदारी तसेच वाहतुकीची कोंडी होण्याची शक्यता आहे. पवई पोलीस ठाणे हद्दीतील पवार वाडी विसर्जन घाट या ठिकाणी देखील गणेश मूर्तींचे विसर्जन सुरळीतपणे व लवकरात लवकर पार पडणेकरिता या वर्षी सदर ठिकाणी दोन क्रेनची व्यवस्था करण्यात आलेली आहे, तसेच आगमन व निर्गमन करिता वेग वेगळे मार्ग तयार करण्यात आले आहेत, ला ब शा मार्गावरुन गांधी नगर मार्गे जोगेश्वरी विक्रोळी लिंक रोड वरुन पवई कडे येथे येणारे सर्व गणपती पवार वाडी विसर्जन घाट या ठिकाणी विसर्जित करण्यात यावेत.
आपला विनम्र

अनिल पोफळे
वरिष्ठ पोलीस निरीक्षक
पवई पोलीस ठाणे

Sunday, August 18, 2019

NAMO Team will win the Navi Mumbai Sports Association Election

શિલ્પા કેનિયાની નમો પેનલનો નવી મુંબઇ સ્પોર્ટ્સ એસોસિએશનની ચૂંટણીમાં વિજય નિશ્ચિત

Shilpa Keniya Nominee with NAMO panel confirms victory in New Mumbai Sports Association elections

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

बड़े दिलवाले छोटे दुकानदार

महाराष्ट्र की बाढ़ की आफत में ना Amazon, ना Zomato, ना Fipkart, ना Swiggy या ना कोई और Online दुकानदारों ने हाथ बटाया और न हाथ बढ़ाया है।

आपका पडोसी छोटी दुकानों और दुकानदारों ने ही इस आफत में आपका साथ दिया ह। निसर्ग की इस अप्पति में थोड़ी नगद में, बाकि उधार में और कुछ ने तो नुक्सान में इन छोटी दुकानदारों ने अपने पास पडोसी ग्राहक और गैर-ग्राहकों की सहाय्यता की है यह याद रखें।

मेरी कोई दूकान नहीं है सिर्फ अपना observation आपके साथ share कर रहा हूँ। इसलिए ज़्यादा नहीं तो थोड़ा सही अपने नजदीक के दुकानदारों से खरीदारी ज़रूर कीजिये।

Thank You.
Nitin Maniar

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Sushma Swaraj passes away at 67

Senior BJP leader and former foreign minister Sushma Swaraj passed away a while ago at AIIMS on Tuesday. The BJP veteran, who suffered a massive heart attack, died at the age of 67. Her last Twitter post was about thanking Prime Minister Narendra Modi about the government’s move on Kashmir stating that she was waiting for this day in her lifetime.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A long tree fall down on the terrace of the society at Mulund west.

बुधवार ३१ जुलै २०१९ को रात के लगभग ११.३० बजे देवीदयाल रोड स्थित गार्डन व्हीऊ बिल्डिंग के पास मनपा के छोटे उद्यान में एक ऊँचे पेड़ का आधा हिस्सा टूट कर बिल्डिंग के टेरेस पर गिरा। प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार कोई जान या माल का नुक्सान नहीं हुआ। दमकल विभाग ने घटनास्थल पर पहुँच कर टूटे हुए पेड़ को काटकर राहिवासियों को राहत दिलाई।

Tuesday, July 30, 2019







Thursday, July 11, 2019

Mulund Police bust interstate betting racket.

Acting on a tip off about betting on cricket matches, a team of Mulund police busted an inter-state gang involved in online betting on various ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 matches. The police had arrested two persons on June 18 on charges of running illegal betting business in the disguise of online gaming. An offence had been registered against the duo under sections 420 and 34 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Sections 4 and 5 of Prevention of Gambling Act.

When put to questioning the duo spilled the beans and revealed involvement of more people in the crime. They also gave information about the hide out their accomplices. Following the information, a team of the Mulund police raided the hideout at Udaypur in Rajasthan and arrested three more accomplices, including an important member of the gang. The duo was arrested red handed while accepting bets on Pakistan – Bangladesh match. Police recovered five laptops, 11 mobile phones, 06 WiFi Dongel, LED TV, Set Top Box, Two Debit Cards, Hyundai Verna car and cash Rs 15.350, collectively worth Rs 12 lakh. All the three accused were produced in local court and brought to Mumbai on July 7.

A team of Mulund police is further investigating the matter.

Generico launches 36th outlet in Mumbai, crosses 3,00,000 customer milestone

Mumbai-based Generico is among the fastest growing chain of generic pharmacy.
It provides high quality and affordable generic medicines
Founded in 2017, the company has gained over 3 Lakh customers till date

Mumbai, July 10, 2019: Mumbai-based retail pharmacy chain Generico has launched its 36th outlet today. Inaugurated by the hands of Shree Prabhakar Shinde Corporator ward no 107 Mulund East  & President of S&T Ward Prabhag Samiti, Smt. Malti Ramakant Patil Corporator Ward no 20 A Thane, Shree Ramakant Patil and The Senior Photojournalist Shree Nitin L Maniar of (PNRNEWS) & (MLive.News).

In India, where healthcare and medication expenditure by people often causes a large dent in hard earned savings, Generico is a social initiative which aims to create maximum benefit for patients and the general public by providing quality and affordable medication to them. Research by the Public Health Foundation of India indicates that, in a year alone, 55 million Indians bore the brunt of poverty, having funded their own healthcare.

Founded in 2017 by IIT Bombay alumni, Girish Agarwal and Siddharth Gadia, Generico specializes in the sale of generic medicines sourced directly from WHO/GMP certified manufacturing facilities. Today, there are approximately 70% generic equivalents available in the market which Generico plans to increase to over 90% whilst ensuring high quality and affordability. In-depth training to nearly300 employees enables them to provide in-store counselling to customers to address any concerns regarding generic generics. Additionally, local self-help groups, NGOs, doctors, housing colonies, etc.are also involved in creating awareness about generic drugs.

Till date, Generico has garnered over 3,00,000 customers across Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane. Saved approximate money of people 20cr. with plans to grow to 100 outlets by end of 2019.
Photos by Salim Shaikh

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Two arrested with contraband worth Rs 6.90 Lakh

Acting in a tip off t he Mulund Police, recently arrested two persons and recovered 69 kg marijuana worth Rs 6.90 Lakh from them. The accused have been arrested from Vijaynagar area.

According to information, the police received information that two persons were coming to sale marijuana at Vijaynagar. Following the tip off, a trap was set and the due was nabbed. Police recovered 12.500 kg marijuana from them. When questioned, they revealed that the contraband was stored at a place. The police team raided the spot and recovered 56.500 kg marijuana, collectively worth Rs 6.90 lakh. 
The accused, when produced in the court were sent to police custody till July 1. A team of Mulund police comprising senior police inspector Ravi Sardesai, PI Prakash Warke, API Sachin Kadam, Avinash Pore, PSI Ravindra Alekar,. Faiyaaj Mulani, ASI Salvi, Police Constable Deepak Ghorpade, PN Thorat, PC Waghmare, Jadhav, Kadam, Patil is investigating the matter.

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